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A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court : Illustrated

Mark Twain

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court : Illustrated

( Dec. 12, 2018)
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court is an 1889 novel by using American humorist and creator Mark Twain. The e-book was at the beginning titled A Yankee in King Arthur's Court. Some early editions are titled A Yankee at the Court of King Arthur.
In the ebook, a Yankee engineer from Connecticut named Hank Morgan gets a severe blow to the pinnacle and is by some means transported in time and space to England in the course of the reign of King Arthur. After a few preliminary confusion and his capture with the aid of one in every of Arthur's knights, Hank realizes that he's without a doubt in the beyond, and he makes use of his expertise to make people believe that he's a powerful magician. He tries to modernize the past for you to make human beings's lives higher, but ultimately he's not able to prevent the dying of Arthur and an interdict against him through the Catholic Church of the time, which grows terrified of his power.

Twain wrote the book as a burlesque of Romantic notions of chivalry after being inspired by a dream in which he changed into a knight himself, critically inconvenienced via the burden and cumbersome nature of his armor. It is a satire of feudalism and monarchy that also celebrates homespun ingenuity and democratic values even as thinking the ideals of capitalism and results of the Industrial Revolution. It is amongst numerous works by using Twain and his contemporaries that mark the transition from the Gilded Age to the Progressive Era of socioeconomic discourse.

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