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You Wouldn't Want to Be Guy Fawkes!

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Age 8-12
Grade 3-7

Fiona MacDonald

You Wouldn't Want to Be Guy Fawkes!

Paperback (Scribblers Nov. 17, 2016) , UK ed. edition
As Catholic conspirator and would-be assassin Guy Fawkes, you'll witness the secretive planning and thwarted execution of the infamous Gunpowder Plot of 1605 at first-hand. Plunge into a morally-murky world of political intrigue, persecution and religious extremism not so very far away from our own..."You Wouldn't Want To Be" is a constantly-growing library of exciting titles which transport the reader to the grisliest times and places in history. The first-person narrative approach puts the reader in the shoes of some of the most unfortunate people ever to have lived. Humorous cartoon-style illustrations bring the characters to life, while informative captions explain processes or chronological events.
You Wouldn't Want to Be...
1911242415 / 9781911242413
6.4 oz.
8.4 x 0.2 in.

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