Having foiled an alien invasion with the help of some very out-of-town friends, Andromeda Brown's seventh grade future looks set: boredom at school, extra-terrestrial help with her homework, and - hopefully - only modest amounts of detention. The world, however, has other ideas. A grisly death in the Chicago sewers can mean only one thing. The alien Kulrada are back. Even worse, her father has decided she needs a nanny. A human nanny would be bad enough, but no human would ever wear so much beige. Andromeda's nanny is totally a Kulrada robot. Not knowing what she looks like, the nannybot has been searching for her all summer, and now, somehow, it's cooking dinner in her kitchen while trying to work out if Andromeda is the target it's looking for. If Andromeda lays low, her out-of-town friends will be unable to stop alien invasion 2.0. But if she tries to act, her cover will be blown, and the nannybot will tear Andromeda and everyone she knows to pieces. Andromeda's life has once again become impossibly complicated. And that's not even counting the sudden rash of earthquakes.