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The Garden Behind The Moon

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Age 10-18
Grade 5-6

Howard Pyle

The Garden Behind The Moon

Mass Market Paperback (Starscape June 17, 2002) , 1st edition
In the fishing village where he lives, David sits alone by the shore at night, watching the path of light that stretches across the sea until it almost touches the moon. Wondering, Where does it go? Then one day he hears a voice of the Moon-Angel.Why not try the moon-path tonight?As David will discover, the glimmering moonlit path leads to a magical world behind the moon-a beautiful garden. And golden riches and a great flying horse to whisk him back to earth. But first he will have to battle a giant.
0765342421 / 9780765342423
5.6 oz.
5.2 x 0.4 in.

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