Daria Kathleen Sherman PhD

You are a Genie in Bottle

This is a story about a child's adventures with a Genie she meets while walking in the forest. This particular Genie doesn't grant wishes, rather she teaches the child important truths. You don't need someone outside of you to make your wishes come true. This is because you already have everything you need within. You are like a Genie in a bottle, infinite and powerful, creating anything through love and grace, with a body that is your tiny living space. The inside of you is a flawless, beautiful light. Sometimes you will forget the special light that is You. When this happens it is important to take a moment and pause feeling into the light within. When you connect in, and remember, your life will again feel happy and peaceful.By spending time with Genie in the magical forest place, the child remembers and starts to realize that her body is only the outer covering that houses her. Made in the image of God You are an infinite light of love. Because God is everywhere and in all things God lives in you as you. This means you are part of all you see and all you see is part of you too.This book empowers the reader encouraging them to realize that the true source of knowledge, love, and healing lies within.

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