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One Book a Day - The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness

Oct 08 2020 by readling 282 views

Today is world octopus day! As the name suggests, World Octopus Day celebrates one of the most distinctive creatures living on the planet today: the octopus. Octopuses are worthy of appreciation for a number of reasons. They are one of earth's great survivors that they pre-date even dinosaurs. They are so intelligent that they are called as masters of disguise.

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"If there is no central consciousness, does an octopus have a 'collaborative, cooperative, but distributed mind', as Peter suggest? Does it have a sense of multiple selves? Does each arm literally have a mind of its own?" 
Sy Montgomery, The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness

The Soul of an Octopus: A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness by Sy Montgomery  is a collection of the author's encounter with octopuses in captivity, as well as octopuses in the wild. Sy Montgomery’s writing reveals her kind disposition, as well as her respect and appreciation for all living things. She beautifully transformed her thoughts and expeditions into a book to remind us that we shall not put human consciousness and intelligence above all other life and we shall open ourselves to the incredible wonders and possibilities of all living species on earth. Though we all may differ in appearance, our inner soul are pretty much the same. Read this book to be gobsmacked by nature!

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