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The Middle Temple Murder by J. S. Fletcher, Fiction, Mystery & Detective, Historical

J. S. Fletcher

The Middle Temple Murder by J. S. Fletcher, Fiction, Mystery & Detective, Historical

(Wildside Press Aug. 1, 2004)

On this morning, as he drew near to Middle Temple Lane, he saw a policeman whom he knew, one Driscoll, standing at the entrance, looking about him. Further away another policeman appeared, sauntering. Driscoll raised an arm and signaled; then, turning, he saw Spargo. He moved a step or two towards him. Spargo saw news in his face. "What is it?" asked Spargo. Driscoll jerked a thumb over his shoulder, towards the partly open door of the lane. Within, Spargo saw a man hastily donning a waistcoat and jacket. "He says," answered Driscoll, "him, there -- the porter -- that there's a man lying in one of them entries down the lane, and he thinks he's dead. Likewise, he thinks he's murdered."

0809566281 / 9780809566280
19.2 oz.
6.0 x 0.8 in.

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