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The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow

Jerome K. Jerome

The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow

(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Aug. 10, 2016)
Jerome K. Jerome's classic collection of comedic essays is presented here for the absorption and enjoyment of the reader.
It was this book of essays which put Jerome on the map as a humorist. The subjects of each are mainly subjected to witty contemplation, with serious subjects such as love, infant children, depression and sustenance receiving this treatment in Jerome's keynote amusing style. Each subject is dealt with plainly and frankly, with the author making no claim to serious insight or as a sort of oracle for solutions.
The frankness of tone was refreshing for a late Victorian audience - in the decades preceding its publication, prose writing of all forms had tended towards being wordy or flowery. Jerome largely goes against the grain in this book, which to this day reads more like a barbed yet incisive newspaper commentary than a book aspiring toward ideals of romantic, aesthetic and descriptive beauty.
For its tone, the book itself attained influence over many columnists and publicists of the day. It directly inspired the title of The Idler magazine, which was a popular periodical for decades to follow. Jerome himself experienced a surge of interest in his literary efforts, and this enthusiasm led to his writing his most famous work - Three Men in a Boat.
1536992844 / 9781536992847
6.2 oz.
6.0 x 0.2 in.

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