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Old Greek Stories: By James Baldwin - Illustrated

James Baldwin

Old Greek Stories: By James Baldwin - Illustrated

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Oct. 23, 2017)

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  3. Illustrated

Old Greek Stories by James Baldwin

Greece, for many ages they have been a source of delight to young people and old, to the ignorant and the learned, to all who love to hear about and contemplate things mysterious, beautiful, and grand. They have become so incorporated into our language and thought, and so interwoven with our literature, that we could not do away with them now if we would. They are a portion of our heritage from the distant past, and they form perhaps as important a part of our intellectual life as they did of that of the people among whom they originated. That many of these tales should be read by children at an early age no intelligent person will deny. Sufficient reason for this is to be found in the real pleasure that every child derives from their perusal: and in the preparation of this volume no other reason has been considered.
1975703782 / 9781975703783
7.8 oz.
6.0 x 0.2 in.

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