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Top Stem Careers in Technology

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Laura La Bella

Top Stem Careers in Technology

Paperback (Rosen Classroom Aug. 1, 2014)
The push is on for students to embrace STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) disciplines, first in school and then in the workplace. This series highlights the career possibilities within each subject area under the STEM umbrella. The focus of this title lands squarely on career fields such as computing, engineering technology, medicine, environmental sustainability, packaging science, and automotive service. Jobs that make use of advanced technologies in the course of the workday, such as nursing and land surveying, are included as well. Completing the coverage are chapters on landing a first tech job and advancing one's career.
Cutting-Edge Stem Careers
1477776702 / 9781477776704
7.0 oz.
5.9 x 0.4 in.

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