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Letty, an Original Drama in Four Acts and an Epilogue

Arthur Wing Pinero

Letty, an Original Drama in Four Acts and an Epilogue

Paperback (Forgotten Books June 12, 2012)
Jlebrates the en-! and some of herj .:;:id a supper. iM andeville is excessively vulgar, and atj supper, after drinking freely, he makes such an exhibition of himself that Letty rtltrows him over and goes to Letchmere srooms, preferring a life of dishonor with I jetohmere to an existence sith Mandeville. During their interview word Is brought to Letchmere that his married sister has run away from her husband. It is quite consistent with Letch meres cliaracter that this should shock him, for he has loved his sister and she has hitherto kept herself tree from the reproach of all his family, the reproach ot being a bad lot. Offer of Lelty. While he is still shocked by the news of her fall, for whlcli he Is partly responsible, Letty seizes ,tile chance to offer him, as I it wer.e, salvation from the family stain by (S aving hr honor by forcing him to be I good to a woman for once. In the condiition to which he is wrought up the sacrifice is possible for him and he makes it. She leaves him and returns to her lodgings. This is the end of the fourth act. In an epilogue which is supposed to take place two and a lialt years later Letty is married to a good hearted but unlovable photographer, excellently played by Dion Boucicault. The Daily Telegraph says: The first act went with the utmost spirit, thanks especlallj to thehappy-, unctuous humor of Hilda Gunning, a dressmakers assistant, capitally acted throughout by Nancy Price. Then came an act more tlian ordinarily tame and dull, whlcli was heroically S3,ved right at the close by Fred Kerr, as the rounder. Bernard Mandeville, and the remarkably fine and beautiful acting of I rene Vanbrugh, as tlie heroine. As for the hero Mr. Plnero does not choose to give him a real chance till the fourth act. Then, it is true, the opportunity comes, and Mr. H. B. Irving rose with it. Then for some fifteen minutes tlie hopse is thr(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)
17.6 oz.
6.0 x 0.7 in.

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