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Journal to Accompany Skip a Step: Imparting Wisdom for Young Entrepreneur Minds

Lisa Caprelli

Journal to Accompany Skip a Step: Imparting Wisdom for Young Entrepreneur Minds

(Happy and Fun Lifestyle, LLC Sept. 12, 2019)

Must have Journal to accompany Skip a Step: Imparting Wisdom for Young Entrepreneur Minds for teens, adults and all ages who have a young innovative mind: You can go, do and be anything you want! Grab the paperback version also and make your individual entrepreneur journey a creative one.


This is a great gift for high school students or for college students or young innovative minds of all ages! Skip a Step is not another get rich quick guide from business moguls who amassed a fortune.

Skip a Step is meant for a new generation who do not just want to get rich, but wish instead to find meaning and purpose in life. Each chapter contains a close interview with an entrepreneur or leader making a difference in the world and divulging the wisdom they received from slaying the dragons in their own lives to achieve success. It is not just about wealth or success that we want you, the reader, to walk away learning, but rather the struggle, triumphs and challenges faced and felt that have impacted the lives of the people we interviewed in Skip a Step.

So many young people are programmed from an early age to go to school, get good grades, attend college, and then hope for a good-paying job. This used to be the “safe” approach to obtaining a successful life. But every once in awhile, a maverick as you will read in Skip a Step, comes along and bucks the trend. This person doesn’t play it safe. Instead, they take risks. Perhaps they drop out of school. They put their heart and soul into building a company that has never existed before, offering a crucial product or service that no one else is providing. By doing something so disruptive and wholly original, they attain success on their terms.

As a culture we celebrate these gutsy individualists as entrepreneurs.

Our goal is for each reader to learn that a successful life is a meaningful life and that each of us has something special to contribute if we face our challenges with courage, love and passion.

13 Entrepreneurs were interviewed for their own stories that convey meaning, lessons and happiness in this book, including:

  1. Joe Garner - a 6 Times New York Times Best-selling author
  2. Michael Gerber - author of E-myth series
  3. Mitch Free - Entrepreneur and Digital Manufacturing Expert
  4. Jessica Jackley - co-founder of nonprofit "My currency is adventure"
  5. Dean Del Sesto - Branding expert, author, keynote speaker
  6. Ted McGrath - Theater performer, life coach and storyteller
  7. Jim Fitzpatrick - Owner of San Diego Magazine
  8. Mark Shockley - Innovative Hollywood Producer
  9. Ken Kerry - Direct Marketer; co-Owner of Script to Screen
  10. Adreyenn Ashley - Social Media Influencer
  11. Michaela Reddick -16 year old innovator
  12. Michael Ashley - co-author of Skip a Step
  13. and last but not least, read Lisa Caprelli's story and journey

Follow other books by author and creator, Lisa Caprelli

"Using the Skip a Step philosophy and research that we did that took over 2.5 years, led me to fulfill my own life filled with purpose, happiness and meaning. This is how I created my best-selling Unicorn Jazz picture books and brand as seen on" -Lisa Caprelli

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