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By the Cusp of the Moon: Finding Hope and Healing Beyond Suicide

Rachel Roberts

By the Cusp of the Moon: Finding Hope and Healing Beyond Suicide

By the Cusp of the Moon is a wife’s raw memoir about the last three years of her marriage to a man battling depression and an all-consuming desire to take his life. Rachel Roberts shares her experiences with nuance, compassion and understanding. She struggles with the exhaustion of caregiving, deals with the frustration of inadequate mental health resources (for patients and caregivers), and faces the stigmas ingrained in America’s bible belt. This is a book about love and loss. It is about creating human connections and drawing boundaries. It is about the journey to becoming whole after tragedy. More than that, this book creates a sense that those who struggle with the idea of suicide or who have loved ones who do, aren’t alone. This book is a timely reminder about the preciousness of human life and will assist the general population and policy makers in better understanding the obstacles we have in front of us to prevent further loss of human life. Finally, and possibly most importantly, this book provides a window into the world of suicide for practitioners across the nation who find difficulty in treating this population.

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