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Terrie Todd, Kate Rudd, Brilliance Audio

The Silver Suitcase

Audible Audiobook (Brilliance Audio Jan. 26, 2016)

It's 1939, and Canada is on the cusp of entering World War II. Seventeen-year-old farm girl Cornelia is heartbroken when she learns that her beloved soldier, Henry, has been killed in a train wreck. Alone and carrying a heavy secret, she makes the desperate choice that will haunt her for years to come. Never telling a soul, Cornelia pours out the painful events of the war in her diary.

Many decades later, Cornelia's granddaughter, Benita, is in the midst of her own crisis, experiencing several losses in the same week, including her job and the grandmother she adored. The resulting emotional and financial stress takes its toll on her and her husband, Ken, who is also unemployed. On the brink of divorce, she discovers Cornelia's diary. Now the secrets of her grandmother's past will lead Benita on an unexpected journey of healing, reunion, and renewed faith.

The full copyright information can be found below:

2016 by Terrie Todd.

P 2015 Brilliance Audio, all rights reserved.

Scripture references are from the King James Version, public domain, except for those that occur during parts of the story that take place in the 21st century, where the New International Version is used. Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.

Grateful acknowledgment is made to reprint the following hymns: Berg, Lina Sanell, 1832-1903, "More Secure Is No One Ever"; Crosby, Fanny J., 1820-1915, and Lowry, Robert, 1826-1899, "All the Way My Savior Leads Me"; Tullar, Grant C., and Breck, Mrs. Frank A., "Face to Face," 1927; von Schlegel, Katharina, "Be Still My Soul," 1697, translation by Jane L. Borthwick, 1813-1897, and Jean Sibelius, 1865-1957.