J. R. Ferris
Bombers' Training and Application of Same in Trench Warfare
( Feb. 15, 2019)
A fascinating insight into trench warfare this book was intended to be used as a guide for officers and N.C.O.’s in training bombers.
Preparation and Organization. In trench warfare, when our movements are changed from the defensive to the offensive, it is necessary to choose certain sections of the enemy’s front line of trenches. These are chosen from a tactical point of view, and after having been occupied and consolidated to our use become the bases from which enfilade attacks are directed to the flanks and front, by means of which we extend and connect our positions. The Officers and their Staffs ordering the offensive, make a very careful study of the neighborhood in the sections to be occupied from maps and sketches which have been compiled from information gained by the Air Service and Reconnaisance. They finally decide the exact extent of front which will be occupied in each case by direct frontal attack. The extent of front in each case is never greater than is absolutely necessary, and is clearly defined in orders. Every officer taking a part in the assault is supplied with maps and sketches, which constitute part of his orders.