Age 8-12
Grade 2-3

Santana Hunt

Attack of the Asian Carp

Paperback (Gareth Stevens Pub Jan. 1, 2017)
In the 1970s, Asian carp were brought to Arkansas fish farms. Many escaped, and theyve been invading US waterways ever since. Through the story of the Asian carp, readers learn about invasive species and the harm they cause to native plants and animals. Examples of recent attempts at controlling the Asian carp population, accompanying fact boxes, full-color photographs, and maps help readers understand the extent of the invasion. An overarching theme of conservation and respect for existing ecosystems add to the main contents inclusion of science curriculum topics such as animal life cycles and food chains.
Animal Invaders: Destroying Native Habitats
1482456559 / 9781482456554
2.7 oz.
8.2 x 0.2 in.

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