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Look at You!: A Baby Body Book

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Age 2-5

Kathy Henderson, Paul Howard

Look at You!: A Baby Body Book

Hardcover (Candlewick Jan. 9, 2007)
Isn't it amazing what a body can do? An exuberant book for the littlest listeners.

Wiggle, tickle, sneeze . . . and giggle! From learning to crawl to clapping their hands, babies are always doing something new. Kathy Henderson's lively poems, filled with action and sound words, are guaranteed to grab young children's attention. And Paul Howard's adorable, large-scale illustrations aptly capture babies' and toddlers' delight at exploring their own abilities and the world around them. Wow, what a body can do!
0763627453 /
19.2 oz.
11.2 x 0.4 in.

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