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Ilhy Gomez Del Campo Rojas

Say Something Nice

Paperback (Independently published Dec. 7, 2019)
A murder at a peculiar dinner party. A handful of select guests. Nothing is as it seems. There were many things that Walter N. Grover expected when arriving at Ruth’s mansion: a party he’d never forget and quality time with his “best friend.” He did not, however, anticipate her murder an hour after arriving at her home. As Walter and Ruth’s five peculiar guests work together to bring her killer to justice, they discover that there was a lot more to Ruth’s story than the group had initially thought. Running on borrowed time, Walter must uncover Ruth’s true persona while facing ghosts of his own past--all before the killer decides to strike again.ABOUT THE AUTHOR: ILHY was born in Mexico City, is 16 years old and lives somewhere with their sister and an extremely spoiled dog. They are described as a wonderful individual by fellow peers, though they may have something to say about that.
1670066134 / 9781670066138
17.6 oz.
5.5 x 0.8 in.