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Three Christmas Elves: Learn how three Christmas elves help make naughty Edward good again.

Stephen Linden-Wyatt

Three Christmas Elves: Learn how three Christmas elves help make naughty Edward good again.

eBook ( Nov. 24, 2018)
On the 23rd of December Edward, a very naughty boy intended to ruin his schools Christmas concert. A bully, Edward was visited by three Christmas elves whom Santa actioned to intervene. Their mission is to make sure that Edward’s plan does not happen and to help Edward learn his naughty ways.With being a school bully, Edward was on Santa’s naughty list, a list that no child should be on. Santa was upset at how Edward was treating fellow class mates. As you read on, you will learn how three elves from the ‘Naughty and nice spy team’ intervened to help Edward be added back to the nice list and make good of the wrong things he has done. Three Christmas elves has an anti-bullying message but also has a fun side from the story to puzzles and recipes that readers can enjoy.Please note that with the kindle version, the puzzles are not interactive.