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The Dog Hunters
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David Bell
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David Bell

The Dog Hunters

eBook (David Bell June 30, 2013) , Kindle 1 edition
While brave Welshmen die fighting the English invaders, Prince Llewelyn is forced to study Plato. But then a mighty Chinese war fleet arrives, offering to annihilate the besieging English army. Their price? Llewelyn's oldest friend, the legendary wolfhound, Gelert. Boy and dog are kidnapped and dragged across stormy oceans and scorpion-infested deserts in a nightmare journey involving flying dogs, berserk baboons, and thousand-year-old sailors. Thoughts of escape dissolve when the young prince meets Feiyan, a bewitching, angry young woman with a secret agenda of her own. But just as he takes up the cause of the Jiang freedom fighters against the remorseless forces of the Emperor, Llewelyn discovers the horrifying truth behind their plans to use Gelert...

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