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The Troubling Adventures of Jesse and Owen

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Ted Lemon

The Troubling Adventures of Jesse and Owen

eBook (RoseDog Books Oct. 2, 2016)
The Troubling Adventures of Jesse and OwenBy Ted LemonIn The Troubling Adventures of Jesse and Owen, nine-year-old Jesse is his own man. He does what he wants, when he wants. Then Owen moves into the trailer park and teaches Jesse the value of sharing his adventures. Jesse gives Owen something that’s been missing in his life: friendship. They find out how exciting and dangerous life can be but maybe, just maybe, they can get through the rough times…together.About the Author Ted Lemon grew up in the 1970s when being a child came with quite a bit more freedom, freedom to have adventures without as much adult supervision and freedom to get in plenty of trouble. So, when the author decided to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a writer, the subject was an easy one: his own childhood. Ted finished The Troubling Adventures of Jesse and Owen in 2015 and based the story “loosely” on the adventures he had growing up.