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Root Of Desire: Seeds Of The Past

Larry Fleetwood Jr.

Root Of Desire: Seeds Of The Past

Paperback (Independently published June 17, 2019)
There are seeds planted in our lives that make us who we are today. Generational curses that follow us because we continue to do the same things as our family did. We can choose to go back to the place they were planted and dig them up to make changes in who we have become for a good future. All seeds were not bad but if our life is not how we planned it to be then maybe there is something from our past that is the reason. We must decide what is normal, and what is not and choose to change for the better.
My Life In The FIshbowl (Book 2)
1074472888 / 9781074472887
4.2 oz.
6.0 x 0.1 in.

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