Theresa Rosewood
Little Chicken: A Story of Courage
( April 9, 2014)
A small Battery Chick is rescued: follow her adventures and watch her succeed!
Not everyone can be a Supermodel,or an Olympic Champion, especially if you are orphaned and abandoned. Little Chicken found herself, alone and friendless, but as luck or fate, would have it, she was rescued by a Kind Farmer. This story tells the tale of misery being replaced by kindness, failure being replaced by success, desire over-coming hopelessness and the Will to Succeed triumphs. With her deformity and limitations, one Little Chicken surpasses her wildest dream and along the way makes new friends and finds a home filled with love and security.
Ideal as a Talking Book for all who have children, or a reading book for parents at bedtime. Or, for those who want to be reminded that Spirit motivates even those who feel marginalized and limitations are not barriers to success and wellbeing.
“ When your Intent is in accordance with the Universe, Things start Happening”.