P. T. Barnum
Life of P. T. Barnum
(TheClassics.us Sept. 12, 2013)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1855 edition. Excerpt: ... CHAPTER X. EUROPEAN TOUR TOM THUMB. Embarkation for 'England--Farewell Thoughts--The Tobacco Trick--Courtesy for a Fee--A Yankee Guide--Gloomy Prospects--Gleam of Sunshine--Value of Dwarfs--The London Manager--Nobility Excluded--Mr. Everett--Visit at Rothschild's--Golden Showers--Lessons in Etiquette--Tom Thumb before the Queen--Backing Out--Tom and the Poodle-- The Prince of Wales--Royalty and Yankee Doodle--Fashionable Popularity--The Queen Dowager--The Iron Duke and Bonaparte--The Emperor Nicholas--Review at Windsor-- Louis Philippe--Royal Industry--Field of Waterloo--Deceased Military Friends--An unexpected Smash--Custom of the Country--A Soaker--Barber-ous Proceedings--Brummagem Relics--Worth makes the Man--Golden Calves--A Day with Albert Smith--Who is Shakspe;ire ?--Guy of Warwick--A Flock of Showmen--A Great Day's Work--Castle-hunting--Yankee Curiosity--A Lucky Pile--An American Prince--Suspicious Sausages-- Anecdote of Franklin--Electric Glory--Distinguished Americans--The General at Home --Twenty-five Cents' Worth--Tour in the United States--The General in Cuba--Raising Turkeys. On Thursday, January 18, 1844,1 stepped on board the new and splendid packet ship Yorkshire, Capt. D. G. Bailey, bound for Liverpool. My party consisted of Gen. Tom Thumb, both his parents, his tutor, Professor Guillaudeu the French naturalist, and myself. The City Brass Band kindly volunteered to escort us to Sandy Hook, and we were accompanied by many of our personal friends. At half-past one oWock, the bell of one of the steamers that towed our ship down the bay, announced the hour of separation. There was the usual bustle, the rapidly-spoken yet often-repeated words of farewell, the cordial grip of friendship--and I acknowledge that I was decidedly...
- 1230388710 / 9781230388717
- Pages
- 152
- Weight
- 12.0 oz.
- Dimensions
- 7.4 x 0.3