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The Naval War of 1812: or the History of the United States Navy during the Last War with Great Britain, to Which Is Appended an Account of the Battle of New Orleans

Theodore Roosevelt

The Naval War of 1812: or the History of the United States Navy during the Last War with Great Britain, to Which Is Appended an Account of the Battle of New Orleans

( Aug. 28, 2018)
This edition of Theodore Roosevelt's thorough and detailed work on the naval engagements in the War of 1812 includes all of his original tables, lists, diagrams, appendices and notes. As the future President's first book, The Naval War of 1812 shines as a fine example of military history. Commonly overlooked by historians to this day, the 1812 war's naval engagements form a seldom discussed history. Owing to Theodore Roosevelt's accessible style of writing, what might otherwise be a dry or ponderous subject is made exciting, enlightening and accessible. Published in 1882, two years after Theodore Roosevelt had graduated from Harvard University, this book is the result of its author seeking a challenge for his intellect and research capacities. Combing archives for British and American documents, Roosevelt strove for neutrality, presenting the facts and outcomes of each battle with the impartiality of a professional historian.
1387879340 / 9781387879342
13.4 oz.
6.0 x 0.6 in.

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