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Journey to the Onyx Tower: Legend of the Wolf Queen

Mavican Hawk, Rebecca Ax

Journey to the Onyx Tower: Legend of the Wolf Queen

language (A. Gray Publishing April 11, 2015)
The Obsidian Commonwealth has been fracturing for many years.
The Elders of the various nations have been fighting over whether
or not the Wolf Queen is real. Brother fights against brother on
whether or not the Gods exist anymore, while others hold fast to
tradition. Siyan, from the valiant nation of Valynn still believes in
the Wolf Queen. She has contracted thom, a deadly disease. She
has decided to make a journey to the onyx tower to see if the
Wolf Queen can save her life. Caduceus, her healer friend and
traveling companion feels Siyan is on a death mission and should
enjoy the last few days of her life at home. Siyan is not the only
one facing demise. Nations are being destroyed as believer fights
against non-believers. Travel with this warrior and healer as they
make the perilous journey to the onyx tower. What will they
encounter? Will the Obsidian Commonwealth find middle ground
over the Wolf Queen? Will Siyan, survive this deadly disease?