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8th round: Epic and apocalyptic sci-fi with an interesting romantic subplot and a touch of time-travel.

TC O'Reilly

8th round: Epic and apocalyptic sci-fi with an interesting romantic subplot and a touch of time-travel.

language (Self July 20, 2015) , Original edition
What do you do if you know something horrible is about to happen and you are the only one who can do anything about it. The answer seems simple, but to Jakes it is not all that easy. He has been sent back in time by an unknown force and without any reason several times over. But this time...his 8th time he is determined to do whatever it takes to get things right. For his friends, his family and his one true love Danielle. No, this time the Company wont stop him from stopping the ever present plague. Or will they? Follow Jakes on an epic journey as he struggles through time and through life to save the people he loves. Don't miss out on this epic tale of love, betrayal, timetravel and off course the Husks.