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B.T. Wright, Jonathan Dudycha

Uncivil War: Takeover

Paperback (Independently published Aug. 26, 2019)
They have evolved. And they are coming.Moments after lifting off in their helicopter, there is a malfunction. Colt Maddox and a surviving few have their celebration of escaping the infected cut short. The helicopter is going down.Miles from their destination, stranded in the middle of nowhere, Colt and crew will have to navigate the mountainous terrain. That alone would be difficult enough, but coupled with the threat of a relentless enemy that now knows how to hunt them down, and that trek becomes nearly impossible.Deep down Colt knows lives will be lost, but whose? His sons? The vice president? His own?It’s survival of the fittest, but there’s only one problem: The infected are far superior physically, and gaining ground by the minute mentally.Can Colt find a way to get his family back to his brother? Or will the invaders finally get everything they came for?
Uncivil War (Book 4)
1079705872 / 9781079705874
10.2 oz.
5.0 x 0.5 in.

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