Join Detective Reed on his first Musical Mystery Adventure! Enjoy this imaginative tale as the musical detective chases a note that has flown from its music! In this story, everything is music-based and readers learn about many aspects of music as they zoom along with Detective Reed.
Come fly through a magic portal and into clouds of lost quarter notes. Adventure inside a snoring bugle horn and into a forest of rests. Soar deep within an underground music academy where Detective Reed escapes from the shooting C-sharps and witnesses a rare gathering of violins! Join the Detective when the flying note reveals the real reason it left its music!
These stories all take place in Sound City - the creation of author, illustrator and teacher, Alice Cotton. Many other adventures unfold in Sound City, such as the exciting tale of Allegro, the eighth note, in Alice's book titled 'Musical Tales'.
Other Detective Reed books:
- The Secret at Willow Wail (the land of musical shapes)
- Adventures on a Blue Moon
And many others soon to come!
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