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How to Do No Contact Like a Boss!: The Woman's Guide to Implementing No Contact & Detaching from Toxic Relationships

Kim Saeed, Stephanie Murphy

How to Do No Contact Like a Boss!: The Woman's Guide to Implementing No Contact & Detaching from Toxic Relationships

Audible Audiobook (Kim Saeed July 14, 2016)

Love satisfies a basic human need for us to be close to and supported by a significant other. We are happier, healthier, and even live longer when we have strong, intimate bonds with other people. Relationships with romantic partners are a primary source of the close bonds we need to thrive. Being part of a healthy love relationship has been shown to increase longevity and improve mental well-being.

On the other hand, being at the receiving end of emotional abuse has the opposite effect. The long-term effects from being in a constant fight-or-flight state subtracts years from one's life, and often leads to complete dysfunction and, sadly, suicidal tendencies.

Anyone who is trying to leave an abusive relationship needs to impose very specific tactics in order to break away, heal, and move on towards a better life. Narcissists and emotional manipulators will do anything to get back in. While their unethical behavior should serve as a reminder of why one is enforcing No Contact in the first place, it's often hard to do when one is constantly bombarded with calls, emails, texts, social media notifications, and even in-person visits.

How to Do No Contact like a Boss explains the reasons for going No Contact and takes the listener through the initial planning stages, exit strategies, the moment of No Contact, what to expect in the days that follow, and how to deal with a persistent and/or abusive ex who refuses to respect one's request for No Contact. Also included are alternative healing methods that address what traditional therapy often overlooks.