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The Way of the Cross: An Easter Story

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Age 5-7
Grade PK+

Andrew McDonough

The Way of the Cross: An Easter Story

Paperback (Sarah Grace Feb. 15, 2018)
Walk together with your child on Jesus' journey of sadness, courage, and love. This story is based on 14 traditional Gospel readings that follow the events of Easter from the garden to the cross.When Jesus wanted to change lives, He told stories. Some stories are about Him, some are by Him, but all of them point to Him. The creators of the Lost Sheep series take the spirituality of children seriously but also believe the Gospel is fun. These books assist parents, teachers, and children's workers build the faith of children all around the world.
Lost Sheep
1910786888 / 9781910786888
5.0 oz.
8.0 x 0.1 in.

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