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Invasion: A Sequel to The Last Princess

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Galaxy Craze

Invasion: A Sequel to The Last Princess

language (Alloy Entertainment April 9, 2014)
After defeating Cornelius Hollister—the man who killed her parents and tried to destroy her country—Princess Eliza Windsor wants nothing more than to live quietly with Wesley, the boy she loves. It’s been ten years since the Seventeen Days, the series of disasters that decimated the earth. England was the only country to survive—or so they thought.

Others survived the Seventeen Days, and soon England is engulfed in suffering and bloodshed once again. Eliza and Mary become prisoners in their own home. To save her country, Eliza will have to rely upon all her inner strength—and learn to trust where she least expects it.

In the sequel to The Last Princess, Galaxy Craze has written another darkly atmospheric tale of adventure, suspense, and the unbreakable power of true love.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Galaxy Craze is the author of two adult novels, Tiger, Tiger, and By the Shore, as well as The Last Princess, her first book for teens. She lives in Northampton, Massachusetts, with her husband and their two children.

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