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There Once Was a Boy Called Tashi

Age 5-7
Grade K-2

Anna Fienberg, Barbara Fienberg, Kim Gamble

There Once Was a Boy Called Tashi

Paperback (Allen & Unwin May 1, 2008)
Adventurous Tashi, a fearless and clever gnome from a land far, far away, faces a terrible ogre who storms into his village and threatens his family and friends. As Tashi endeavors to recover the ogre’s stolen pet from the evil Baron and protect his village from being eaten, his tale conveys themes of bravery, ingenuity, and loyalty. Delightfully fantastical, Tashi's daring adventures never cease to thrill.
Tashi series
1741147190 / 9781741147193
7.0 oz.
9.2 x 0.2 in.

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