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Linda Teets

The Best Christmas Ever

Paperback (Xulon Press July 29, 2016)
This is the Best Christmas Ever! is a fun and festive children's book about a young boy's anticipation for Christmas, a favorite time of year for many kids. In this illustrated book for kids, youngster Sean is excited to start preparing for Christmas by baking cookies, playing in the snow, putting up the tree, and decorating the house. The real fun starts for Sean when his grandparents arrive for Christmas. On Christmas morning, after opening gifts, Sean learns the true meaning of Christmas and how loved he is by God, who sent His one and only Son to live a perfect life and die for all of our imperfections. On Christmas, Sean learns we celebrate the birth of Jesus, who loves him so much, making it the "best Christmas, ever!"
1498480284 / 9781498480284
3.4 oz.
8.5 x 0.1 in.