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You Are Beautiful, Beautiful You Are

LaToya D. Thomas

You Are Beautiful, Beautiful You Are

eBook ( Feb. 23, 2019)
You Are Beautiful, Beautiful You Are is an engaging, fun-loving and interactive book that takes a journey through self-love, encouragement and embracing one’s unique differences. Written to encourage anyone who may have ever had a moment of self-doubt, this beautifully illustrated children's book is intended to open its reader's eyes wide enough to see the beauty within his or her self.

Each page contains a very important message for all ages. Younger children will enjoy the repetition throughout the story and will likely begin to recite, “You are beautiful, beautiful you are,” while older children may begin building on their self-confidence, self-esteem and overall self-image.
Parents, caregivers and readers may focus on the multicultural differences and appearances of the characters throughout the book, which may possibly open up discussions of self-awareness, the importance of loving one’s self as well as accepting others despite their differences.

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