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Christianity without Religion: Following Jesus all by yourself

Mike Murphy

Christianity without Religion: Following Jesus all by yourself

eBook (What Does It Mean to Serve God Books April 17, 2019) , 1 edition
Christianity has been buried under the clutter of denominational differences for far too long. It’s time to remove Christianity from the endless religious dogma that has destroyed the true essence of what it means to follow Jesus. It’s time to remove all the religious rituals, regulations, and unbiblical doctrine from the Christian faith.Following Jesus has nothing to do with where you go to church or who your pastor or priest happens to be. Christianity is about knowing God in an intimate way and following the teachings of his Son while depending on the power of the Holy Spirit to guide you. You can maintain a sincere Christian faith without every stepping foot inside a church or becoming a part of any religion. It’s not that these institutions are dangerous in any way; they are simply unnecessary.God is calling each of us to a deeper and more meaningful relationship. The Bible contains all the information needed to transform our connection to God into a source of great power. Once you know where in the pages of the Bible this treasure is buried, you will discover it is completely possible to follow Jesus all by yourself, without the need of religion’s boundaries.

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