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Summary: Atomic Habits: A Book by James Clear

30 Minute Book Summaries

Summary: Atomic Habits: A Book by James Clear

language ( Nov. 20, 2019)

30 Minute Summary of Atomic Habits by James Clear

Want to discover the key concepts from this top personal development book but don’t have time to read the entire book?

This summary of Atomic Habits will help you:

  • Understand the main ideas of the book within 30 minutes. The summary describes James Clear’s four laws of habit formation.
  • Avoid getting lost in the details of a 320-page book. This streamlined summary will break down the key concepts of Atomic Habits, including how to implement good habits and eliminate bad habits.
  • Immediately apply the key concepts from the book. Use our 18 questions from The 30 Minute Workbook to discover how the lessons from the book apply to your unique situation.
  • Summarize the main points of each chapter within 1 minute. Our One Minute Action Guide at the end of the book recaps each chapter in several sentences to help you see how each chapter interacts with the others.

Order your copy of Summary: Atomic Habits today!

Estimated reading time: 30 Minutes

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