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Demon Princess: Reign or Shine

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Age 12-17
Grade 7+

Michelle Rowen

Demon Princess: Reign or Shine

Hardcover (Walker Childrens Sept. 29, 2009)

As if trying to fit in at a new school isn't stressful enough, sixteen-year-old Nikki Donovan just found out that her long-lost father is, in fact, the demon king of the Shadowlands—the world that separates and protects us from the Underworld. When she is brought there by the mysterious—and surprisingly cute—messenger Michael, she learns that her father is dying, and he wants her to assume the throne. To complicate matters, a war is brewing between the Shadowlands and the Underworld, her half-demon qualities are manifesting, and her gowing feelings for Michael are completely forbidden. Ruling a kingdom, navigating a secret crush, and still making it home by curfew—what's a teenage demon princess to do?

Demon Princess
0802784925 /
12.8 oz.
5.4 x 1.1 in.

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