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The Role of Women in the Vietnam War

Age 12-17
Grade 7+

Hallie Murray

The Role of Women in the Vietnam War

Paperback (Cavendish Square Dec. 15, 2019) , 1 edition
The Vietnam War was one of the most controversial wars in American history, as many Americans opposed the United States' involvement in the war. The draft, which forced certain young men to fight in the war, even if they didn't want to, was particularly controversial. At the time, women were not allowed to fight in the military, but many worked directly in the conflict as nurses and administrators. Through fascinating and poignant interviews, this book tells the stories of six courageous women who served in the Vietnam War as they narrate their fascinating and sometimes difficult memories of the conflict.
Warrior Women in American History
1978514255 / 9781978514256
8.2 oz.
6.0 x 0.3 in.

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