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Child's Story of the Bible

Mary A. Lathbury, Bishop John H. Vincent

Child's Story of the Bible

(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform June 14, 2015)

"This book is mother's book; to aid her in doing the best and most lasting work a mother can do to sow seed and set out vines the branches of which shall reach into the world of spirits, and from which she and her children may long afterwards pluck fruit together in the eternal kingdom." -Bishop John H. Vincent

“An entirely new story of the Bible, in simple language.” -Publishers Weekly

“Will make a glad spot in a child’s Sunday reading….Bound to make an impression on a child.” -The Literary World, Volume 29, 1898

“The editor who has put together these stories from the Bible has done her work better than it has generally been done by her predecessors in the same field, and this is said after the book has been tested by actual use with children. This is partly because she has bee content to let the stories speak for themselves, foregoing additions and explanations of her own, such as we have had to excess in the fiction based on Biblical events. In all quoted speech Miss Lathbury uses the exact words of the authorized version. There is an introduction by Bishop Vincent, who improves the occasion to say that these are all ‘true stories’.” -The Unitarian Register, Volume 77, 1898

“Is intended for mothers to read to their children. There are many mothers who wish to read the Bible to their children who need just this book because they have no power of selection. Miss Lathbury has this power, and has chosen these Bible stories well.” -New Outlook, Volume 60, 1898

1514347792 / 9781514347799
19.2 oz.
6.0 x 0.7 in.