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Cathy Wilson

Mustang Powered: Book One

Paperback (Independently published June 5, 2020)
Shasta is a cow-hating ranch horse who longs to be a wild stallion, but is too afraid to do anything about it. When his best friend is sold away from the ranch, Sasha pushes his fear aside, escapes from his owner and joins a wild band of stallions hoping they will help him find his best friend. Now he's running from his owner, other humans and the predators lurking everywhere. Will he find his friend? Will he conquer his fears? Will he survive as a wild horse? This is a family friendly book, with short, easy to read chapters. Perfect for reading to young children or for children beginning to read, to read themselves.The wild horse is an important part of the America West and it is slowly losing its land to ranchers. Wild horses are being routinely rounded up and kept in captivity, losing their families and suffering terribly. We hope that reading this book will shed some light on the American Wild Mustang and its plight, how they live and thrive and that they should never be taken for granted.
Mustang Powered (Book 1)
/ 9798651219421
4.2 oz.
7.4 x 0.1 in.

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