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Theodore Roosevelt: The Autobiography

Theodore Roosevelt, Tim Simpson

Theodore Roosevelt: The Autobiography

Paperback (Independently published Feb. 22, 2019)
and I am a presidential history buff, or a nut as my wife might say. I love reading about bygone times of Grover Cleveland, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and my favorite president of all Theodore Roosevelt. Why Roosevelt you might ask, well to try and keep it simple he was real, what you saw is what you got, I identify with him in a lot of ways, allow me to explain. He was a big game hunter and yet he formed sanctuaries and parks for preservation. I can see that I don’t hunt personally but have friends that do and I don’t condemn them for it. I love animals and yet I would kill one if it meant my family was going to starve. He left office as secretary of the navy to join a fight against Spain; no one would ever do that especially in our society today.Roosevelt was a cowboy, a boxer, a politician, a war hero, a father, a devoted husband, and most of all a real human being and I respect that I hope you will read or listen to this book in his own words and get to know one of your presidents and I hope that you will come to appreciate him as much as I have. Tim Simpson 2019
1797825240 / 9781797825243
35.2 oz.
5.2 x 1.9 in.