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P.K. Miller

Giraffe Facts & Pictures

language ( Feb. 6, 2013)

GIRAFFES REVEALED: Turn Your Child's 'Reading Time' into a Fun, Interactive Experience

Imagine reading a fact-filled book that appeals to any information hungry child. In "Giraffe Facts & Pictures" you will get a captivating, multimedia-rich guide that is filled with stunning photographs and information regarding the largest land-based mammal.

Each chapter contains a photograph with a caption and detailed facts about the giraffe. Your child will learn important things about a giraffe's habitat, necking, tongue and social interaction.

These pictures come from professional stock photography sites. That means they are crisp-clear on both the black & white Kindle and the full color Kindle.

Furthermore, children of all ages (even adults) will love the detailed information athat includes the following:

  1. Why Giraffes are Large

  2. How a Giraffe Uses its Neck to Protect Itself

  3. Why their Tongue is Important for Eating

  4. The 9 *Types* of Giraffes

  5. Interesting Facts about Their Spots

  6. How Giraffes Reproduce and Care for Young

  7. Plus much, much more...

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...Then you will turn "reading time" into fun time!

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