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A Monkey's Tale
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Nathan Kravetz
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Grade 4-6

Nathan Kravetz

A Monkey's Tale

Paperback (iUniverse Dec. 5, 2012)
A Monkey's Tale by Nathan Kravetz It was a moonlit night at the rocket base. For weeks the scientists had been preparing for the launching of a new rocket. Reporters were standing by. On this night everyone was asleep except the guard, who carefully kept watch. Suddenly there was a roar that grew louder and louder, and the rocket began to lift off its pad. "It's going up" shouted the guard. "It's blasting off" yelled the scientists. "What? Where" called the reporters, as they climbed out of their beds. "Who? Why? When, and how" Inside the capsule Sam the monkey was pulling switches and pushing buttons as he had been taught. Everything was according to plan except that the rocket had not been launched by the scientists but by another monkey, Sarah. But this is only the beginning. What happens is important to the whole world and makes a tale of a monkey that is full of fun.
1475958250 / 9781475958256
5.3 oz.
6.0 x 0.2 in.

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