Blue Bear
Bedtime Stories for Kids
The role of the parent as a model cannot be under- estimated. It is through modeling thatthe child establishes lifetime patterns. Initially the child imitates the modeled behaviors andeventually adopts these behaviors.When parents read to their children it assigns a positive value to literacy. Not only are theparents showing the child that reading is a good thing, but the parent also experiences thepositive reinforcement of developing his or her own skills.The children's reactions to previous books have become a major motivation for thedevelopment of Bedtime Stories.A multiple intelligence approach was used in the creation and development of bothchildren's books.Let live the charm of the story told to your child as they used to once. The book by Dino Cranky, bedtime stories, contains a series of fantastic adventures with the cute dinosaur Cranky and his friends.Child psychologists agree in saying that developing imaginations in children is fundamental to their future.Imagination is necessary to improve the child's relational and social skills.A vivid imagination helps the child to deal creatively with the various daily activities; this book is designed to perform this function excellently.A child who imagines and thinks is happy. The stories are designed to increase the imagination of children and with it the creative capacity.( ages 6-8 )