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Twas the First Christmas Eve

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Lisa Bruce, Robert Bruce

Twas the First Christmas Eve

Paperback (Blue Oink Books Nov. 26, 2019)
With captivating verse and beautiful illustrations, "Twas the First Christmas Eve" offers a refreshing glimpse into one of the most glorious, yet often-overlooked truths about Christ's nativity. Told in the same cadence as the classic poem "The Night Before Christmas," each page invites children (and their elders!) to enter into reflective wonder, and to joyfully discover their place among the shepherds, wise men, and angels who were present that most holy night. "Twas the First Christmas Eve" gently leads us from the little manger in the hillside cave to the manger in our hearts, where we peek into the eyes of Love and are reminded of a wondrous truth!
1734332107 / 9781734332100
1.6 oz.
8.5 x 0.1 in.