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Ashes: A Clockpunk Cinderella Tale

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Ann Hunter

Ashes: A Clockpunk Cinderella Tale

eBook (Aisling House, LLC May 6, 2016)
In this fantastical fairy tale retell, Cinderella goes CLOCKPUNK!

Rebecca Tremain's world revolves around time.
The clock people believe that we are on this earth for a reason and we only have so much time on earth to find that purpose. To the clock people, time is God. That god's name is Khronos, and he is not forgiving.

When Rebecca's mother, Lilly, dies while working at The Corporation, a dubious factory owned by the Royal Family, Rebecca starts looking for answers. She finds them in a small group of vigilantes whose single purpose is to assassinate the royal family.

When a life sentence in prison is more severe than death, will Rebecca follow through when she meets the charming prince?

Don't miss this thrilling ride full of mystery and romance.

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