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The Journey of Lewis and Clark in United States History

Judith Edwards

The Journey of Lewis and Clark in United States History

Paperback (Enslow Pub Inc Sept. 1, 2014)
The place was the vast unexplored western frontier of the United States. The time was 1804. The Lewis and Clark expedition set out and overcome the unknown to open the way for settlers to begin the westward expansion to the Pacific Ocean. Conceived by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the lands of the new Louisiana Purchase, the expedition also made many scientific and geographic observations. Author Judith Edwards highlights the extraordinary spirit of courage and cooperation that existed among the members of the famous expedition. This book is developed from LEWIS AND CLARKS JOURNEY OF DISCOVERY IN AMERICAN HISTORY to allow republication of the original text into ebook, paperback, and trade editions.
In United States History
0766060594 / 9780766060593
544.0 oz.
6.0 x 0.2 in.

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