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Lughole and the Yorkshire Mice

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Kev Carter

Lughole and the Yorkshire Mice

(Independently published May 13, 2020)
Lughole, the one- eared mouse, lives with his family of devoted mice underneath the garden shed. He is just one of the characters in this heart-warming story that follows them through the good and bad times, to include a disastrous event that threatens the entire family. It is both funny and suspenseful; a pleasurable read full of delightful characters you will warm to and root for in the end. It brings home a message of loyalty and integrity, of love and bonding. They all have to pull together to beat the ever present threat and dangers of the outside world, each one doing their part to keep the family safe and secure. What almost destroys them, in the end will bring them even closer and strengthen their bond of allegiance for each other.
/ 9798645628086
10.2 oz.
5.5 x 0.4 in.

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