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Merry Tales by Mark Twain, Fiction, Classics, Fantasy & Magic

Mark Twain, Samuel Clemens

Merry Tales by Mark Twain, Fiction, Classics, Fantasy & Magic

(Aegypan July 1, 2006)

"A little volume in the Fiction, Fact, and Fancy Series. One of the attractions in reading Mark Twain is that one never knows when he may be coming upon something serious. Though laughter rules, for the most part, now and then the jester puts aside his bells and the tragic passage comes upon one with striking force. There are seven stories in the book and the fun is at times stupendous. We recommend that it be read at seven sittings." -- Atlantic Monthly, Oct., 1892

1598188615 / 9781598188615
7.7 oz.
6.0 x 0.3 in.

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